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Vibrant succulent plant. How long do succulent plants live

How Long Do Succulent Plants Live: A Deep Dive

Vibrant succulent plant. How long do succulent plants live

Succulent plants in your garden have varying lifespans depending on their species. How long do succulent plants live? Well, drought-resistant varieties can thrive for up to three years, while others can endure for a century or more. Certain types of cacti are even capable of surviving for centuries. The specific species determine the longevity of your succulents; for example, the Jade plant can live up to 100 years, while Hens and Chicks typically have a lifespan of at least three years. The level of care you provide for your lovely plants will also play a significant role in their lifespan.

Growing Conditions (Active and Dormant Period)

The average lifespan of these plants is difficult to pinpoint due to the various varieties of succulents. These hardy plants have a slower growth rate than many plants, and their lifespan depends on the type of succulent.

The life of succulents involves two periods: the active and the dormant periods. During the active phase, the succulents grow at average rates. In this phase, the succulents produce new leaves and flowers. In dormant periods, their growth is usually slower. Inactive periods occur in the winter when the environmental conditions are not conducive to their development.

The lifespan of succulents is highly dependent on the environment, their living conditions, and the care provided to them. In their natural habitats, succulents can live for years. They often shed offset resulting in new batches of plants. You can extend the lifespan of succulents by providing them with the proper conditions. If you need more tips on growing succulents, check out our article 7 Tips To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Succulent Plants

Best Succulents to Grow at Home and Their Average Lifespan 

Indoor gardeners frequently choose succulents due to their distinct look, minimal upkeep needs, and noteworthy longevity. Capable of thriving in arid conditions, these plants require little watering and are thus ideal for individuals with bustling schedules or those new to gardening.

Choosing the right varieties is important if you're interested in growing succulents at home. Some succulents are more challenging to care for than others, and some have a shorter lifespan. To help you get started, here are some of the best succulents to grow at home and their average lifespan:

Hens and Chicks  

Hens and Chicks Succulent Plant

Hens and Chicks are considered the most beautiful succulents in the world. These succulents are named Hens and Chicks due to their structure that resembles a hen and her chicks. Hens and Chicks trace their origin in Northern Africa and Southern Europe.

When given proper care, these beautiful succulents have an average lifespan of at least three years. Hens and Chicks are the easiest succulents to care for. They can thrive in both indoor and outdoor gardens. To extend the lifespan of the Hens and Chick succulents, you plant them in quick-draining soil. It is also essential to avoid giving them too much water.

Christmas Cactus 

Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus is one of the most beautiful succulents. This succulent will beautify your home with red, white, and pink flowers. If given proper attention, the Christmas cactus can decorate your lovely home for over 20 years.

Christmas cacti require extra care to achieve their potential growth and survive for more than 20 years. You must provide them with enough water every time the topsoil feels dry. You should plant them in a pot or container with suitable drainage holes. Ensure you fill your pot with fresh, well-draining soil to enable them to thrive. Put them in a bright place away from direct sunlight.

interesting fact: the Christmas cactus is that it is not actually a cactus at all! Unlike most cacti, which are native to arid environments, the Christmas cactus is native to the humid, tropical forests of Brazil. It belongs to a group of plants known as epiphytes, which grow on other plants or trees rather than in soil.

Jade Plant 

Jade plant

Jade plants are succulents with long lifespans. The average lifespan of a Jade Plant is approximately 70 to 100 years. The Jade Plant is commonly known as the money plant and is associated with bringing good luck. The succulent can live for over 100 years if given the proper care.

Jade plant is easy to care for. You must ensure the plant gets at least four hours of direct sunlight and moistens the soil. Ensure the soil is well-drained. Your pot should have enough drainage holes for water to flow out easily. Jade Plants thrive at a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. It is ideal for growing your Jade Plants indoors if you live in a temperate climate.

Living Stones are low-maintenance plants that require little watering and bright sunlight. Ensure your plants get 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight. Plant them in well-drained soil and water them when the soil dries. You can add fertilizer to help them bloom during the growing season.

Living Stones

Living Stones succulent plant

Living stones are among the unique succulents due to their striking and unusual appearance. Living Stones resembles split pebbles. They grow at a slower rate compared to other succulents. Living Stones have a longer lifespan due to their slow growth. These succulents can live for 40 to 50 years when given proper care.

Aloe Vera 

Succulent plant aloe Vera plant
Close up Aloe Vera Plant, outdoor pots

Aloe Vera has a lifespan of between 5 to 25 years. It takes 3 to 4 years to reach maturity. Mature Aloe Vera can reach a maximum height of 2 feet. Aloe Vera is among the most amazing succulents due to its numerous benefits. The succulent has several healing properties.

Aloe Vera requires a few hours of direct sunlight to thrive. Avoid exposing them to too much sunlight, which can burn the leaves. Aloe Vera will grow optimally at room temperature. Ensure you water the succulent only when the soil is dry.


Echeveria succulent plant

Echeveria ranks among the most beautiful succulents. The succulent will give your home a beautiful display due to its evergreen leafage. Echeveria is a popular succulent often exhibited in terrariums and floral arrangements.

Echeveria has an average lifespan of between 3 and 30 years, depending on the variety of the plant and care. It is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to care for. Echeveria thrives in warm areas and requires 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight.

Barrel Cactus 

Barrel Cactus succulent plant

Barrel Cactus have a long lifespan that averages 50 years to several centuries, depending on the type and living conditions. These succulents thrive in arid conditions. You need to put them in the corner of your garden where they will receive adequate sunlight. If you pot them, ensure the soil is well-drained and water them once a week during the summer.

Crown of Thorns

A Crown of Thorns is a thorny succulent whose stem is covered by thorns. The succulent is also referred to as Euphorbia. Crown of Thorns has an average lifespan of 25 years. This type of succulent thrives well when grown indoors.

Snake plant 

A sansevieria trifasciata snake plant in the window of a modern home or apartment interior.

Snake plant has an average lifespan of 5 to 10 years but can live for up to 25 years under the right conditions. Snake plants are ideal succulents for both indoor and outdoor gardens. They will make your home look gorgeous due to their size and appearance. The snake plant is a low-maintenance plant that is simple to care for.

Succulent Lifespan Chart

The question continues to arise: how long do succulents live? Below is a table with some common succulent names and their average life span:

Succulent NameAverage Lifespan
Aloe vera20-30 years
Echeveria5-10 years
Haworthia3-5 years
Jade plant20-70 years
Kalanchoe2-5 years
Pachyphytum10-20 years
Sedum5-10 years
Sempervivum3-5 years
String of pearls5-10 years
Zebra plant5-10 years

It's important to note that these are average lifespans, and the actual lifespan of a succulent can vary depending on factors such as growing conditions, care, and species. With proper care, some succulents can live beyond their average lifespan for many years.

4 Tips To Keeping Your Beautiful Succulents Alive 

You can extend the lifespan of your succulents by giving them the right care and ideal living conditions. The following situations can help keep succulents alive for a long time. Keeping these plants alive and thriving requires some knowledge and care. Here are four tips to help keep them alive and help them live longer: 

1. Expose Your Succulent to Optimal Sunlight 

Although succulents are hardy plants that can survive in arid and harsh conditions, it is essential to ensure they are exposed to optimal sunlight. Too much sunlight can burn the leaves and end up destroying your succulents.

It is essential to keep your succulents away from direct sunlight. Most succulents require 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight to grow well. Green succulents should be placed on the windowsill with direct sunlight and a shade to cover them when it is too hot to avoid sunburns. Succulents covered with spines can withstand direct sunlight all day.

2. Avoid Overwatering

One of the common causes of death in succulents is overwatering. Giving your succulents a lot of water will lead to root rot. These plants are adapted to arid environments and can survive with minimal watering. Ensure to water your succulents only when the soil is completely dry, and be careful not to let water pool in the container.

3. Use Breathable Pot or Containers 

Succulents require enough space to breathe to attain optimal growth. It is, therefore, essential to ensure your containers and pots have enough drainage holes to allow water to flow freely within the container. Succulents do not require a lot of water and should only be watered when the soil is dry. The plants also thrive well in well-draining soil.

You should avoid planting too many succulents in one container as this may interfere with the root system. It is important to provide your succulents with enough root zone to enable them to grow larger and healthy. Overcrowding can lead to a slow death of the root system of your succulents.

4. Fertilize Your Succulents 

You should feed your hardy plants with a well-balanced fertilizer once a year. The fertilizer should contain a combination of nitrate, potassium, and phosphate nutrients. It should be added at the start of the growing season. It’s best to identify a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer specifically formulated for succulents as the best choice. I also recommend avoiding fertilizers with high nitrogen content, which can lead to excessive growth and a weaker root system.

FAQ How Long Do Succulent Plants Live

Signs that your succulent plant is not happy

These plants can sometimes slow down or even stop growing altogether, leading to stunted growth, wilting leaves, and other signs of stress.

Why do succulents stop growing? 

Contributing factors include overwatering and underwatering. Poor soil quality, lack of sunlight, and extreme temperatures can also affect a succulent's growth rate. Proper care and attention can often help revive a struggling succulent and encourage it to grow again. This includes ensuring that the plant gets the right amount of water, light, and nutrients for its specific needs and providing a suitable growing medium to support its roots.

Can succulents live inside without sunlight?

Succulents are known to thrive in sunlight and dry climates, but can they survive indoors without it? The answer is yes but with a few caveats. Succulents still need light to grow, so they will require some artificial light source, such as fluorescent or LED lights. However, succulents can survive with less light than other plants, making them ideal for indoor spaces.

How do you keep succulents alive in the winter outside?

Succulents are known for being hardy plants that can survive in various conditions, but keep an eye on the temperature outside as extreme cold can damage succulents. Consider moving your succulents indoors or covering them with a frost blanket when temperatures drop below freezing.

Do succulents have a lifespan?

Generally speaking, succulents are recognized for their extended life cycles because of their capacity to hold and retain water in their roots, stems, or leaves, which enables them to survive in difficult, dry environments. As long as they are cared for properly, succulents can prosper and develop for numerous years, making them a favored selection for indoor and outdoor horticulture.


Succulents are among the plant families with long lifespans. Some varieties of succulents can last for many years when given proper care. Succulents are low-maintenance plants that survive for many years. This makes succulents one of the best plants to grow in your garden. You only need to put a little effort into making your succulents thrive for several years.

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