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Snake Plant in decorative pot

How Fast Do Snake Plants Grow (7 Brilliant Tips)

A sansevieria trifasciata snake plant in the window of a modern home or apartment interior.

Snake plants are popular for one main reason, “they are so easy to grow.” Seriously, it doesn't matter if you have a green, purple, yellow, or polka dot thumb…. anyone can successfully grow this plant. Additionally, they make great indoor plants and are a sexy compliment to any modern home. If you are considering purchasing a snake plant, you may be curious about the growth rate and, more importantly, what’s all the buzz about these plants.

How Fast Do Snake Plants Grow?

In normal conditions, a healthy snake plant can grow from 4 inches to 12 inches a year. However, this rate can increase during the growing season if the plant receives more light or water. Additionally, new snake plants will grow faster than older plants, and a root division in spring/summer may be all that’s necessary to start fresh. That being said, some people enjoy dividing their plants every year or two as this helps ensure continued growth and vigor.

This article discusses how fast snake plants grow, how tall they can grow, and the factors that may affect their growth. Factors such as light, temperature, soil, water, and fertilizers may affect how fast your snake plant grows. Let's dive in.

What Is A Snake Plant?

Sansevieria trifasciata is a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, native to tropical West Africa from Nigeria east to the Congo. It is commonly known as snake plant, Saint George's sword, or mother-in-law's tongue. Aside from that, the plant grows slowly compared to fast-growing plants such as bamboo. As a side note, some bamboo species can grow 3 to 5 feet a year, which is sort of hard to imagine.

Snake plants are common houseplants that grow roughly 2 feet tall and wide. It has long, stiff leaves that are typically green but may also be red, blue, or yellow. The leaves often have prominent veins on the surface. The flowers of the snake plant are small and white, producing small black berries in clusters. In addition, the plant usually has a dense root system that can reach considerable depths.

What Factors Affect Snake Plant Growth?

I'm glad you asked. Variables, such as temperature, lighting, nutrition, soil, water, pests, and potting, are factors that can affect growth speed and overall health.

1. Temperature

Because of the plant's native origin, it generally prefers hot, dry environments and will thrive in them. Consider placing your potted plant close to natural sunlight for warmth. Consider placing your plant on a window ledge if you live in warmer climates such as California, Florida, or Arizona. 

Alternatively, you can place the potted plant in your backyard to catch more sun rays, but be careful of direct sunlight and cold temperatures. Do not leave your plant outdoors if the temperature dips below 50°F (10°C); you'll want to take it indoors.

2. What Type of Lighting Do Snake Plants Prefer?

One benefit of snake plants is that they are not very fussy about lighting. In fact, snake plants are known for their ability to thrive in low-light conditions. However, it doesn't mean you shouldn't provide any light for your plant.

However, this does not mean you should leave your plant under direct sunlight or keep it in the dark. If you expose the plant to direct sunlight, you may cause its leaves to burn, leaving brownish marks. 

If you are to expose the plants to direct sunlight, try to do so indirectly. Consider placing your plant about 8-10 feet away from the window. If you intend to use LED light to grow your snake plant, consider using less bright lights and keeping the distance slightly from the plant. 

To expose the plants to direct sunlight, try to do so indirectly by placing your plant about 8-10 feet away from the window. If you intend to use LED light to grow your snake plant, consider using less bright lights and keeping the distance slightly from the plant.

3. Nutrition

Snake plants don't require a lot of nutrients to grow well. However, if the soil is of very poor quality or the plant is in very bad shape due to neglect, then some nutrition is required.

If you need to nourish your plant, try using cactus fertilizer for your plant. Look for fertilizers with a 10-10-10 NPK ratio, which stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. These minerals are important for your plants. Only apply a little fertilizer to your plant twice a year.

You only need to apply a little fertilizer to your plant. Just twice a year should do. NPK fertilizers may come as pellets, which means you want to dilute them with water before adding them to the soil around the plant. 

When possible, fertilize during the summer and not in the winter. This should be able to help your plant grow faster and taller.

4. What Type Of Soil Does Snake Plants Need?

I recommend using an all-purpose cactus soil which can be purchased at a local nursery, big box hardware store or online store. If that is not available, look for regular garden soil and add a little bit of sand. Loose soils help with draining water, preventing your snake plant from drowning. 

5. Water, Let's talk Water

It's normal for newbies to be excited about their new snake plant. However, they typically make the mistake of overwatering, and as a result, they drown their plant in a single watering.

Did You Know – too frequent watering = overwatering = damages the roots = root rot = plant leaves turning yellow and beginning to bend a little. 

Snake plants prefer to dry out between waterings, meaning once you have watered the plant, leaving it unwatered for days, even weeks, is fine. This is because snake plants' actual habitat is in dry, arid lands of Africa. For starters, water your plant once every 10-14 days, depending on the soil condition, and adjust accordingly. In a month or so, you should be able to develop a watering cadence.

6. Pests

Snake plants are generally pest-resistant, perhaps due to them not bearing fruits. However, if you grow your snake plant outdoors or neglect it, it may become infested by spider mites and mealybugs.

7. Potting

One of the factors affecting snake plant growth is the pots you use to host them. To encourage good and fast growth, you may need to change the plant pots several times during its growth. Consider repotting every 2-6 years, depending on how fast and big you want the plant to grow. 

Also, consider repotting your snake plant during the spring before it enters a growth spurt during the summer. Also, when repotting, use a fresh soil mix.

Decorating Tip: If it's within your budget, don't choose any random pot. Choose a pot that will compliment the plant and your decor. You'll thank me…. you're welcome!!

Did You Know: You can purchase a snake plant in a beautiful pot from amazon. Check it out!

How Long Does It Take For Snake Plants To Multiply?

It typically takes six to twelve months for snake plants to multiply. During this period, the plant will go through a period of dormancy in which it does not require much light or water. The plant will then begin to produce new growth and eventually multiply. For the plant to multiply, it needs to be in an environment that is warm, humid, and well-lit. Additionally, the snake plant should be watered regularly as needed.

How Quickly Do Snake Plants Grow Pups?

Snake plants are incredibly resilient and adaptable, making them a great choice for any home. Not only do they require minimal care, but they can also quickly produce new pups to fill in your garden or repot for additional plants. Depending on the variety of snake plants, it can typically take anywhere from 3 months to 1 year for your plant to begin producing new pups.

When it does begin producing pups, you’ll find that each pup will develop at a different rate. This means that some will be ready for harvesting before others even appear. It is important to note that snake plants can continue to produce pups for many years so long as the environment is conducive to their growth. Additionally, snake plants grown in ideal conditions may create more pups than those grown in less favorable environments. By providing plenty of light and water, you can ensure that your snake plant continues to produce new pups every few months.

How To Propagate Snake Plants?

Propagating the plant is typically done by dividing the rootball of a mature plant. It is recommended to buy young plants rather than divide older ones, as this will help to avoid any loss in vigor and growth potential. Nonetheless, propagating is a simple task that anyone can do.

  1. Make sure the soil of the parent plant is healthy and well-drained.
  2. Carefully remove any pups (baby plants) growing at the base of the main plant, as these can be used for propagation.
  3. Cut off the bottom part of each pup with a sharp knife, ensuring that you leave at least two leaves on each cutting.
  4. Place the cuttings in a pot filled with loose and well-draining soil.
  5. Finally, water lightly and keep in an area with bright indirect sunlight. With some regular care and attention, your propagated snake plants should be ready for transplanting within six weeks or so!

How Fast Do Snake Plants Grow
1. Snake plants are easy to grow and need very little care
2. They thrive in indirect sunlight or light filtered through glass
3. Snake plants need water but not too much - just enough to moisten the soil, not drowning the plant
4. Keep snake plants away from drafts and direct sunlight
5. Snake plants should be positioned near a window for plenty of natural light

Snake Plant Growth Indoors vs. Outdoors

Indoors, the snake plant prefers well-lit areas but can tolerate low light levels. In terms of water, it should be watered periodically when the soil has almost dried out.

Outdoors, the snake plant will thrive in full sun or partial shade but also tolerate dense shade. It can also survive periods of drought as long as it’s planted in well-drained soil. In both cases, it is important to provide adequate air circulation for the growth and good health of the plants – this means making sure that temperatures don’t become excessively hot or cold.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Should I Do If My Snake Plant Is Not Growing Well?

If your snake plant is not growing well, you may need to water it more or adjust the amount of sunlight it receives. Additionally, you can try fertilizing it with a liquid fertilizer or adding a compost amendment to its soil. With proper care, snake plants can grow up to 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

What Is The Difference Between A Snake Plant And Ivy Plant?

The main difference between a snake plant and an ivy is that a snake plant has long, stiff leaves, while an ivy typically has more flexible leaves. Additionally, Snake Plants typically don't reach as high up as Ivy does (although some varieties can), and their flowers are much smaller than those of Ivies.

Where Can I Buy Snake Plants?

You can purchase a snake plant at most garden or pet stores. Additionally, some online retailers also carry snake plants. Some online retailers include Amazon, Etsy, eBay, and Home Depot.

What Type Of Light Do Snake Plants Prefer

Snake plants prefer indirect sunlight, so they are typically best grown in locations where there is some natural light but also some filtered light. They can also be grown indoors under artificial light with minor adjustments.


In conclusion, snake plants are relatively fast-growing plants that can grow quickly with proper care. Growing and propagating is easy and can be done with little effort. Not only are they a great choice for low-maintenance houseplants, but they also provide many health benefits to the environment. I highly recommend purchasing this beautiful plant. Its easy upkeep and attractive foliage make it an ideal addition to any home or office space. Remember to water them every two weeks and keep them in indirect light for optimal growth.

Did you know Snake Plants are part of the succulent family and have several benefits? Read the following: Amazing Benefits of Succulents

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