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Does Pine Sol Keep Wasps Away

Does Pine Sol Keep Wasps Away? + Alt. Hacks

Use original Pine Sol to keep wasps away

It's natural to look for less expensive alternatives to wasp repellent if you don't want to spend much on insecticides. And you might have come across Pine Sol during your explorations. But does Pine sol work as a wasp repellent? You might be surprised by the answer!

Does Pine Sol Keep Wasps Away?

Pine Sol used to be quite effective as an insecticide (keeping wasps away) because it contained a significant amount of Pine Oil. However, in recent years, the general Pine Sol contains little to no pine oil content, making it ineffective for wasp deterrence.

Continue reading to learn more about pine sol, its effectiveness, and the best alternatives.

What Is Pine-Sol Made Of?

Pine-Sol is a famous cleaning solution used in homes for cleaning different surfaces. The Clorox Company runs this household cleaning product. 

In 1929, when pine Sol was introduced in the market, it had pine oil as one of its primary ingredients. And studies support the fact that Pine has strong insecticidal properties.

So back then, due to pine oil content, Pine Sol also became popular for insect-deterring purposes. And it worked well at that time.

However, in 2014, the Pine Sol manufacturing company Clorox announced that their product would no longer have Pine Oil in them.

Why? Because the Pine oil had a limited supply. Also, the company wanted to cut costs to keep selling the Pine Sol product at an affordable price range.

And since then, Pine-Sol products sold in stores don't have pine oil. And therefore, Pine Sol available in stores nowadays is not that effective against keeping wasps away.

In 2008, the original Pine Sol Brand Cleaner had the following ingredients:

  • Pine Oil: 8-12%
  • Sodium Petroleum Sulfonate: 1-5%
  • Isopropyl Alcohol: 1-5%
  • Alkyl Alcohol Ethoxylates: 3-7%

Although the company ended the idea of using Pine oil in Pine Sol products in 2014, they promised to provide a product (available online) that includes around 8.75% Pine based on consumers' requests. 

So if you want to let your Pine-Sol work effectively, you need to get the Original One that contains a significant portion of Pine Oil to function as a wasp deterrent.

How To Use Original Pine Sol To Keep Wasps Away?

To keep wasps away, you can use the original Pine-Sol version in any of the following ways:

  1. Use it entirely at full strength and spray it where wasp infestations generally occur.
  2. Or, mix 80% of Pine Sol with 20% water and spray the mix as an insect repellant in areas where you don't want wasps hanging around.

How Effective Is Original Pine Sol In Keeping Wasps Away?

Pine Sol (which contains pine oil) repels wasps effectively. In fact, it has the potential to kill wasps. So you can spray Pine Sol and see results in a matter of seconds.

Pine Sol is repulsive to wasps (Pine Oil is responsible for that). As a result, the wasps will not return to the same location.

However, it is important to note that the smell of Pine Sol spray, which deters wasps, does not last long.

In general, if you use a diluted Pine Sol spray, expect it to last only a few hours. However, using the raw and concentrated Pine Sol solution will last a little longer – about a day or two.

To keep wasps at bay, you will need to spray Pine Sol at regular intervals.

And here's a quick rundown of where you can and cannot use Pine-sol on the surface.

Pine Sol Safe To Use – Hard and non-porous surfaces like floors, counters, tiles, 

Pine Sol Unsafe To Use – Aluminum, marble, worn wood

Is Pine Sol Safe To Use In Garden?

Unfortunately, Pine-Sol is unsafe to use in gardens or yards because it can harm the grass.

Pine Sol contains ingredients like Sodium carbonate and Alcohol Ethoxylates which are harmful to the grass in your garden.

After removing Pine Oil as the main ingredient in Pine-Sol, the product has now turned close to a detergent. And using any substances like detergents is not recommended in gardens or lawns.

So long story short, Pine-Sol is not suitable for use in your garden to keep wasps away.

Is Using Pine Sol Worth It As A Wasp Deterrent?

Using store-bought Pine Sol in recent days is not a good option simply because they don't have Pine oil in them. And even if you get the Original Pine Sol with considerable Pine Oil content, there are still many cons to using the product.


  • Only the original product containing pine oil works


  • The smell doesn't last longer
  • Frequent application is needed.
  • Not suitable to use in gardens
  • So let's look at alternatives to solve the wasp issue.

Top 4 Alternative Hacks To Keep Wasps Away

#1. Apply Soap And Water Solutions Spray On Wasp Nests

If you have small wasp nests in your yard, you can try this hack as an effective defense against them.

  • Take a spray bottle.
  • Add a few tablespoons of dish soap to it.
  • Then water inside the spray bottle to prepare the mixture.
  • Finally, after a bit of shaking, spray the resulting solution on the wasp nests.

This soap solution will patch all the breathing pores, and thus wasps won't be able to breathe – causing them to die instantly!

#2. Hang Wasp Traps Outdoors To Trap Them

Wasp Trap.

Setting up wasp traps is another way to keep wasps away from your garden and outdoors. The liquid in these traps attracts wasps. The wasps drown and die as soon as they enter the trap.

The only drawback to this method is that you must discard the dead wasps at regular intervals. And it may look odd. That said, it can be an effective way to get rid of wasps, especially in outdoor areas.

#3. Seal All The Cracks Where Wasps Could Take Shelter

Finally, seal and patch any cracks or crevices where wasps can hide. Avoid giving wasps a place to build their nests by sealing up any openings in the autumn.

Apart from these, you can follow general guidelines such as not leaving unwanted food outside and keeping trash bins sealed to avoid attracting wasps to your yard.

#4. Simple Essential Oil Mix Wasp Repellent

A dark bottle of pine essential oil with fresh pine twigs Does Pine Sol Keep Wasps Away

Simple Essential Oil Mix Wasp Repellent: This is a great essential oil mix to keep wasps away!

  • 10 drops of citronella essential oil
  • 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil
  • 5 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

Method: Simply add all the essential oils to a small bottle or container and mix well. You can then use a cotton ball to apply the mixture around your home, especially near doors and windows. If you have a variety of oils, Great! you're all set. If not, we recommend the bundled essential oil kit; it's a great start.

Another essential oil mix

In a small bowl, mix together 1 teaspoon each of lemon oil and eucalyptus oil, and then add 10 drops of lavender oil. Pour the mixture into a small plastic bottle and shake well. Spray it around your patio or deck area to keep wasps away.

Got Gnats? Check out: Fungus Gnats: Top 17 Ways To Kill Them And Protect Your Plant


In conclusion, these are just a few of the alternative hacks you can use to keep wasps away and kill them. With a little creativity and some basic supplies, you can get rid of these pesky insects for good. So, don't be afraid to try out these methods the next time you're dealing with a wasp problem.

If you have tips for keeping wasps away, leave them in the comment section.

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